

[FXGT] Forex traders don’t need moving averages, and why they shouldn’t be used

When doing FX, do people use some kind of indicator as an answer? There may be many. One of the most famous indicators is the moving average line. The moving average line is a very major indicator, so some people use it, but in reality, there are many people who do not use it.

Exness: Is FX a dream? How traders can become millionaires, what are the investments of the rich?

Forex has advantages and disadvantages, but if you trade well, you can become a millionaire. Most forex traders often dream of becoming a millionaire. FX is the only investment method that ordinary people can become rich.

XMTrading: Is it better not to trade on Fridays in FX trading? Explanation of how to spend Saturdays, Sundays, and weekends, and things to keep in mind

For traders who do FX trading, Fridays straddle the weekend, so we will explain the characteristics and precautions. It is said that many people lose big on Fridays, but why is that? I will explain why so many people lose only on Fridays.

XMTrading:How many years does it take on average to be able to win in FX? Average loss amount, study method and period until you can earn money

How many years does it take to study to be able to win at FX? The time it takes and the amount of money you can earn will vary from person to person, such as 3 years. FX is very difficult. Beginners may have the image that they can win right away, but when they actually try, they will give up. It is said that it takes several years to actually be able to win.

XMTrading: Will I be fired if I trade FX at work? Work regulations

Today's world is becoming more diversified, and the era of office workers only working at companies as in the past is coming to an end. However, it is also true that many companies are outdated organizations. Will I be fired if I engage in foreign exchange transactions as a company employee?

XMTrading: The more FX beginners study, the more they lose? Why? Explaining the reason and the study method and solution to win

A common characteristic of FX traders who lose is a lack of experience and skill, but why can't they win? Beginners study hard to build up their skills and experience, but for some reason, the more they study, the more they lose. Why is this?