HFM (formerly HotForex): Conditions for opening an overseas FX account, age restrictions and occupations, and points to note for unemployed and housewives


There are age restrictions for opening an overseas FX account with hfm or hotforex and starting trading, so this article will thoroughly explain the points to note for the company. HF Markets is a very popular FX company in the world. Therefore, there are a large number of users and people of various nationalities are trading. However, are there any age restrictions or occupation restrictions for opening an account and trading?

Account opening is free

HF Markets offers high maximum leverage and allows you to open an account for free. Please refer to the following article for more information. However, there are conditions for opening an account. We will explain from here. We will explain how old you must be to open an FX account, what is the legal upper limit, whether you can restore your account even if you do not log in and it is archived. It is a good company that allows withdrawals to be completed smoothly. The spread is narrow and swaps will occur. We have summarized the points to note in the following article.

Conditions for opening an account

HF Markets has the following conditions for opening an account and trading. In addition, you will need to upload your ID for authentication, and you will need to select and click on your My Page to proceed with the procedure, such as your My Number card, credit card bill, statement, driver’s license, or resident card. Currently, the ID must be within the expiration date. Please note that you will also need to access and create a profile from the screen on the official website to get started.

ID is required

Please note that ID is required. Depending on the country and type of residence, you must submit the appropriate type of ID (passport, health insurance card) on the page. Identity verification is required to trade on the platform. In addition, address confirmation (utilities, water bills, etc.) that shows birth, surname, current address, postal code, prefecture, city, town, etc. is also required from the official myhf. You can actually add it to the server from your smartphone and submit it, so the operation is convenient. Approval will come by email. Prepare in advance. You will need proof to invest. Don’t worry, your personal information will not be leaked.

20 years old or older

The regulations state that an account can be opened from age 20 or older (currently age 18 or older). The definition of 20 years old means that the age at the time of opening the account must be 20 years old or older. By the way, even if you are 20 years old or older, it doesn’t matter if you are a university student. You just need to meet the condition of being 20 years old or older. A common question in finance is that it is not possible for minors. Even if they provide the same service, they will need to check the face photo, date of birth, phone number, etc. from the homepage.

Any occupation

HF Markets does not ask about employment status or occupation. When opening an account, there is a section to fill in your occupation and assets, but even if you are unemployed or a housewife, you will not fail the screening or be unable to open an account. Therefore, occupation is not an issue at all. When starting to trade stocks, you can ask support for details. Each person can trade using their own balance. As long as you are at least 18 years old, you can use the system from the beginning, regardless of the source of funds, and make profits on multiple stocks. However, there are access restrictions in the investor’s own region.

Account opening is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays

As an aside, HF Markets is generally closed on weekends and holidays. Please note that there are also holidays during the New Year holidays and Christmas. Account activation is not possible on weekends and holidays. This will be delayed as it will be handled after the company’s business days. Customers can contact the operating company by default, but they will need to wait until a weekday as the service is significantly different from normal, not on business days. Questions can be asked 24 hours a day, but it will be very slow. This is stipulated in the terms and conditions.

Banned countries

In fact, there are countries that prohibit registration on HF Markets. USA, Canada, Sudan, Syria and North Korea cannot register. This is regulated by law in some countries, which is why we are unable to provide services. This is not just HF Markets, other Forex companies tend to do the same.

strict laws and regulations

Prohibited countries often say that Forex companies cannot be used due to legal restrictions. A classic example is the United States. This regulated the flow of American money out of the country during Obama’s presidency. As a result, Americans can only open accounts with American Forex companies. For Forex companies that are active globally due to strict regulations, it is quite difficult to operate.

FX broker’s true feelings

The true intention of FX brokers is that they want anyone to open an account, trade, and lose a lot. If you can get a lot of trades, it will also be profitable for the Forex broker. As a result, the review is generally lenient. At least compared to opening a bank account, the screening process is overwhelmingly simple. That’s why even unemployed people and housewives can easily open an account.

Registration of false information is prohibited

Also, if you register as a minor but are over 20 years old, or if you enter a false address or occupation, please correct it as soon as possible. This will be discovered when the documents are submitted. Please refrain from registering false information, as it may increase the possibility of your account being frozen or frozen depending on the case.


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