

XMTrading: What is FX credit? Difference from balance. How to use account balance.

This article explains how to use the MT fund balance when using an xmtrading account. For those who have just started FX, there may be times when you don't understand the meaning of terms while trading. When you first started trading with MT4/MT5, you may have wondered, "What is credit?" or "What is the difference between balance and credit?" When you first start using it, you may be confused because you don't know what the notation means, so I've written an article about the difference.

XM Trading: Affiliate, IB Partner FAQ

XM has an affiliate program. I have a lot of questions about doing these things, so I've put together a list of frequently asked questions. I have compiled a collection of questions that can be used as a reference for those who are starting XM affiliates and those who have already started, so I hope you can refer to it.

XMTrading: What can be recorded as expenses in overseas FX? Explanation of final tax returns, taxes, and tax saving measures

If you make a profit from overseas FX XM, you will need to pay tax in your final tax return. We will introduce and explain the necessary tax saving methods. When trading FX, "everything necessary to make a profit in FX" can be recorded as an expense. It takes a lot of effort to make a profit in FX. And you have to pay taxes on the profits you earn. By recording rent, computers, etc. as expenses and reducing the taxable amount, you can keep the taxes you pay low.

XMTrading: What is a cookie? Thorough explanation of account setup and cancellation methods

When I open the official website of XM, I see the following screen saying "This website uses cookies". Some people may find this offensive. For those of you who don't know about cookies, you may not know what they are used for and whether they are safe to continue, so I will explain.

XM Trading: Webinar Reputation and Reviews

XM has webinars where you can learn Forex online. It is recommended because you can get useful information for free from Forex beginners to intermediate users. If you watch all 18 times, you will be at a level where you can trade first, so you can rest assured. It's a webinar, but let's take a closer look at its reputation and see if there are benefits to participating.

XMTrading: What are trading hours on weekends? Holiday business hours, trading, deposits, and withdrawals explained

Many people are probably wondering about XM's business hours, account opening, cryptocurrency deposit and withdrawal times, and whether trading is possible on Saturdays, Sundays, and even holidays. In fact, whether trading is possible or not varies greatly depending on the trading stocks, etc. This article summarizes business hours and trading availability on weekends and holidays.

XM Trading: Trading during the Obon holiday and business hours of the company

We will provide a summary of FX trading hours, brands, holidays, and markets during the Obon period at XMTrading. In Japan, there is a period called Obon holiday in August. Most companies will be closed for the holidays. What will happen to FX as a result of this? Also, will XMTrading's business hours be affected?

XMTrading: Is the relationship between the Japanese Financial Services Agency and XM illegal? Thorough explanation of reasons for no registration

XM Trading is a world-famous FX company, but it is not registered with the Japanese Financial Services Agency. Therefore, some Japanese say that XM is a dangerous and illegal Forex company. On the contrary, it is true that there are traders who can only use XM in excellent companies. So I investigated the relationship between XM and the Financial Services Agency, so I wrote an article.