

XM Trading:MT4/MT5 alert function

The alert function of MT4/MT5 is a function that sends notifications by e-mail etc. when the set price is reached. I think people who trade on XM use either MT4/MT5, but they don't always have time 24 hours a day. By using alerts when you are out or doing other work, you can respond immediately even if there is a sudden market fluctuation, so it is a function that busy people should definitely use.

XM Trading : How to open a demo account and how to log in to MT4/MT5

This article introduces and explains how to log in to an XMTrading demo account, operate MT trading, and open it, with images. By opening a demo account, you can start demo trading using your virtual balance in 3 minutes. You can practice trading with your desired margin amount as many times as you like by resetting or adding to your balance. This article covers everything from how to open an XM demo account to how to log into the trading tools MT4 and MT5.

XMTrading: Does slippage occur? Explanation of reasons for high contracting power

We will introduce the high execution power, slippage, and how to make profits in xm MT trading. It is extremely difficult to completely avoid slippage, and it occurs regardless of the Forex broker. In order to reduce trading costs, it is important to choose a FX broker that has a small slippage frequency and width.

XMTrading: Stop loss and take profit Definition of terms Setting method Easy-to-understand explanation

To trade on XM you need to be sensitive to stop loss and take profit. This is because if you don't know where to cut losses and where to take profits, you will end up with endless positions. There is no such thing as a 100% win rate in Forex orders. If you do not manage risk properly, you will be asked to leave the world of Forex.

XMTrading: What to do if you forget your server name MT4/MT5 How to check the latest version

When you open an account with XM, each account is assigned a server. However, many people say that they forgot the server name. This article explains how to check the server name. In the worst case, you can also contact the support center.

XMTrading: What are XM points? How to check and use loyalty points (XMP) – latest information

XMTrading has a bonus program for XMP loyalty points, and this article will explain how to efficiently save and exchange them for cash through efficient trading. The number of points earned per lot varies depending on the loyalty status based on the number of trading days, and the more loyalty points you earn, the more you can earn by trading continuously.

XMTrading: Virtual currency trading Bitcoin, Ripple, etc. Trading methods and benefits explanation

You can trade virtual currency (Bitcoin) on XMTrading. I will explain the maximum leverage and the ability to trade 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Until now, we have not been able to handle trading in CFDs (crypto assets) such as Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum due to their high volatility. But in 2022, XM made a big decision. XM resumed trading of virtual currency CFDs on May 24th, and you can now trade 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on MT4 and MT5.