What is Axiory’s past trading historical data? We will explain what is necessary to use backtesting, such as importing and downloading MT4. First of all, what is historical data? If you want to know how accurate it is, this article will be helpful. Please refer to it if you are considering trading with EA in the future.
Axiory’s company profile and basic information
Axiory is an overseas FX broker established by Axiory Global Ltd. in 2015. Axiory is headquartered in Belize and incorporated due to the country being a “tax haven”. It has obtained the IFSC license from the Financial Services Authority of the Belize International Financial Services Commission, making it a very reliable and safe FX broker. The official website is operated by PT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, a group company based in the UK. The registered information is as follows. The narrow spread is a great advantage in terms of investment. It is a top-class exchange for investors.
運営会社 | Axiory Global Ltd. |
設立 | 2015 |
所在地 | No. 1 Corner of Hutson Street andMarine Parade Belize City, Belize |
金融ライセンス | IFSC:ベリーズ国際金融サービス委員会 |
Separate management and trust protection
Axiory is very reliable because it has separate management and trust protection. Customer funds are stored in “Doha Bank”, so there is no risk that customer funds will be used without permission by the management. Trader’s account funds are kept in trust, and if Axiory goes bankrupt, the trader’s account funds will be fully refunded later by the auditing organization, so it is very transparent and safe. Funds are not stopped, they are protected and guaranteed, and are maintained under regulations, so users can feel safe when starting.
Also holds a financial license
Axiory is very safe because it holds a financial license. It is a very reliable broker with regular audits by external institutions. Even those living overseas can trade as they are without any disadvantages. If you wish in advance, you can choose the account type from My Page. Management has been improved and regulations have been established, so you can rest assured. Every year, you can operate with stable funds almost Monday to Friday.
There is a warning from the Japanese Financial Services Agency
After investigating, Axiory has been found to be very safe in Belize because it holds licenses from each financial service agency, but it is not available in Japan and has received a warning from the Financial Services Agency. This is because overseas FX brokers are in violation of the law by operating official Japanese websites and announcing campaigns in Japanese, and so they have received a warning. However, users are free to use the service at their own risk. Japanese law does not allow solicitation without permission.

Source : 金融庁

What is historical data? What is it?
Historical data is a compilation of past market data values. It is past trading data in the foreign exchange market. This data is used when an EA (automated trading system) wants to simulate trading based on past market movements. However, it is mainly used for backtesting to check the performance of an EA (automated trading system). It can be downloaded from the screen at the link on the website below. It can also be used for financial products such as precious metals, energy, ETFs, stocks, stock price indexes, and indexes.
How to download historical data
To download historical data, select the desired currency pair and year from the URL above. It is a hassle because you need to download each year at a time, but since there is only data from 2015, it is not that troublesome. The data is in compressed CSV format, so you can use a PC to download it. It is used to utilize the contents of the chart for automatic trading. It is useful for price movement habits, contract calculations, stop loss, and automatic calculation of losses. By the way, customers can also use other tools such as expert advisors for free.

Source : アキシオリーのMT4 ヒストリカルデータ | 今すぐ無料ダウンロード! (axiory.com)
Delete old historical data
Please delete any old historical data before importing to MT4. It will be crowded and cluttered. When you select [Open Data Folder] from the MT4 file, many .hst files will appear. Select the relevant file and delete it. When performing custom backtesting, specific past data will affect the analysis, results, and execution of signals and orders. Be sure to check it carefully.
How to import to MT4
You need to import the downloaded historical data into MT4. First open MT4 and select the tool. Select the desired currency pair from the History Center and click “Import”. Select the downloaded file and click OK to complete. Restart MT4 to view it. When trading commodities, you will be able to trade at accurate prices in Standard, Terra, and Nano accounts.

How accurate is the historical data?
MT4’s standard historical data is not very accurate. It contains the high, low, open, and close values of the past, but it is said that there is a lot of variation, and it is easy for backtest errors to occur and for the actual profit to diverge. Therefore, it is better to use Axiory’s data rather than the data included with MT4. Of course, since it is just an EA, it does not guarantee victory, but only increases the win rate, so if you want to win in the long term, we recommend discretionary trading. Please note that this material does not necessarily guarantee sufficient profits and will cause a fair amount of loss.
You can open an account for free
You can open an account for free. The spread is very narrow, so it is highly recommended for scalping trades, so let’s register. The platform can be used with MT and ctrader, and there are few other restrictions. Changes can also be made internally, so the service provision, creation, and setting are substantial. You can also practice under a demo account. Support is also substantial, and you can inquire about deposits and withdrawals.