

XM Trading: Regarding taxes Can tax evasion be exposed?

Did you know that profits earned from XM trading are subject to tax liability in principle? If an individual earns some kind of income, as a general rule, it is tax evasion unless they file a final tax return and pay taxes. Those who use XM and make a profit annually may be penalized if they do not pay their taxes properly.

XMTrading: Self-affiliate affiliate marketing is prohibited Is family and friends OK? Explanation on how to get started

XM has an affiliate program that allows you to earn commissions, but self-affiliation is prohibited. Some of you who are thinking about starting an affiliate will not know what is prohibited and what is OK. I am writing an article about affiliate rules.

XM Trading: Is Affiliate Marketing Illegal in Japan? Financial Services Agency’s view and possibility of arrest

This article explains whether affiliate marketing is illegal because xm does not have a registration license from the Financial Services Agency. XMTrading has a partner program where you can become an affiliate. In Japan, XM affiliate marketing is said to be a gray area, but what is the reality? I would like to mention the opinion of the Japanese Financial Services Agency and the possibility of arrest.

XMTrading:Leverage regulations and limits 20,000 dollars (2 million yen) and 100,000 dollars (10 million yen) maximum 1000x cancellation change explanation

XM has maximum leverage regulations for FX trading, with a limit of 1000x and 200x. The article explains how to remove it. Did you know that in XM trading, leverage is automatically regulated when the balance exceeds a certain level? This restriction occurs for a certain amount of money. This regulation is activated when the total balance of all accounts reaches a certain amount.

XM Trading: Deposit into account Rakuten Card and Rakuten Bank are recommended

XMTrading charges fees for credit and debit methods on your account, but you can make bank transfers and online transfers from Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Visa cards, which we will explain in this article. Depositing funds through Rakuten Bank has many benefits, so we highly recommend it to users. So what are the benefits? We have compiled them in an article.

XM: How to deposit funds into your account. Credit cards, debit cards, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club explained.

When you start trading with XM, you must deposit funds using the available Visa or JCB credit cards or bank transfers, so we will explain how to do this. For those who want to know about XM deposits and withdrawals, we have written an article about the credit cards and debit cards that are eligible for deposits.

XMTrading: Which is better, STP or ECN? A comprehensive explanation

The overseas FX company xmtrading offers two types of order methods, STP and ECN, but there are differences between them. STP accounts and ECN accounts have different transaction costs such as commission and spread, and each has its own advantages and features. Here is a summary of the features, advantages, and points to note for XM's STP and ECN accounts.

XMTrading: What is FX credit? Difference from balance. How to use account balance.

This article explains how to use the MT fund balance when using an xmtrading account. For those who have just started FX, there may be times when you don't understand the meaning of terms while trading. When you first started trading with MT4/MT5, you may have wondered, "What is credit?" or "What is the difference between balance and credit?" When you first start using it, you may be confused because you don't know what the notation means, so I've written an article about the difference.

XM Trading: Affiliate, IB Partner FAQ

XM has an affiliate program. I have a lot of questions about doing these things, so I've put together a list of frequently asked questions. I have compiled a collection of questions that can be used as a reference for those who are starting XM affiliates and those who have already started, so I hope you can refer to it.