

XMTrading: The more FX beginners study, the more they lose? Why? Explaining the reason and the study method and solution to win

A common characteristic of FX traders who lose is a lack of experience and skill, but why can't they win? Beginners study hard to build up their skills and experience, but for some reason, the more they study, the more they lose. Why is this?

XM Trading: Is FX the same as gambling (pachinko)? Let’s quit pachinko and play forex

There are so many people who think that forex and gambling are the same. In fact, for those who have never done Forex, it is not guaranteed to win, so if you lose, it will be a big loss, so it looks like gambling. However, there is a big difference between FX and pachinko.

XMTrading: What are the characteristics and differences between pyramiding and nanpinning in FX trading? Explanation

There are various FX trading methods and techniques, such as pyramiding and nanpinning, which are used to accumulate purchases, but what are they? And each trader has their own favorite way of fighting. Among the methods of fighting are pyramiding and nanpinning, but they actually have different meanings, so be sure to remember them.

XMTrading: The reason why FX’s positive-positive addiction cannot be cured. How to overcome and deal with the addiction.

Forex's "Positive Positive Disease" is a disease that most beginner traders suffer from. This article will introduce and explain the causes and ways to overcome it in profitable trading. This disease is a troublesome disease that stock, Forex, and virtual currency traders can suffer from. If you are dying to enter the market and find it painful to wait for an opportunity, be careful.

XMTrading: Forex traders’ job is to wait. When should I enter a trade? How to do it

Can FX traders win every time just by waiting? What is the point of waiting in the market? If you always look at the charts, it may seem as if every situation is an opportunity, but this is a dangerous sign. There is not always an opportunity, and waiting is also a job.

XMTrading: People who haven’t won in FX for 10 years: How can beginners really win, why do they lose, and what are the solutions?

As mentioned in the following article, 90% of people are destined to lose in Forex. However, it is also true that there are people who have been doing it for over 10 years and still cannot win at Forex. If you have not been able to win for 10 years, it is likely that most people have problems with their mental state rather than their technical skills.

XMTrading: Is FX a zero-sum game a lie? Differences between theory and reality

I think that the term zero-sum game comes up often when collecting information about FX. What does zero-sum game mean? And is FX really designed to be a zero-sum game?

XMTrading: Why do 90% of FX traders lose? Explaining the common traits of winners

Many people who are thinking about doing FX trading, where 90% of investments are lost, are concerned about their win rate, so I will explain the characteristics in this article. In fact, it is said that only 10% of people can win at FX, but why is this? There is actually a hidden reason. And those who win have something in common.

XMTrading: How can beginners make a little money and trade with FX? Explanation

Is it possible for beginner traders to earn a little at a time until they reach their goal through FX trading? What are the methods and trading methods? We will introduce and explain them in this article. There are two ways to fight in FX: short and long. The strategies are completely different for short-term investment and long-term investment. However, the reality is that profits do not always come out as expected. That's why it's important to earn money little by little.

XMTrading: A summary of the characteristics of failure and countermeasures for those who have lost their lives in FX

When starting FX investment, some people have actually won in asset management, while others have lost, and some people have ended their lives due to some reason. When searching for FX, keywords such as "Don't do it" and "My life is over" often come up. Therefore, it is true that many people are afraid of FX itself, but in fact, there are measures you can take.