IronFX: What is the Affiliate Program? Overseas FX IB Partner Rewards


IronFX has an affiliate program. We will explain IB rewards and introductions. Affiliate marketing is free with IronFX, so beginners and experienced traders can start with no risk. Generally, it takes more than six months to a year to earn money through affiliate marketing, but it is recommended for those who want to earn money steadily.

What is IronFX?

IronFX is a global FX broker established in 2010. Since the service is provided all over the world, there are registered users in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, and recognition has increased considerably. IronFX is recognized as the fastest growing FX broker and won the Best Trading Platform 2012 award in 2012.

Service AreaEurope
North America
South America
Address2, Iapetou Str., Agios Athanasios, 4101 Limassol, Cyprus
Tel+44(0) 203 282 7777
OwnerMarkos A. Kashiouris
Peter G. Economides
Company NameNotesco Limited

3 partner systems

IronFX currently has three programs.


Affiliate marketing is a system in which referral fees are generated by advertising on SNS, blogs, email newsletters, etc., and when those introduced open an account, make a deposit, or even make a transaction. There are standard and hybrid programs. Hybrids are better.

StandardReferral reward
HybridReferral rewards and trading volume rewards


Standard is affiliate commission as referral compensation. Referral rewards are higher for standard than hybrid. It is a system in which rewards are generated when each condition is achieved. The more people you refer, the higher the reward you will receive.

Referral reward per personConditions necessary for remuneration
Silver250$Initial deposit amount: $400, cumulative trading volume of 4Lot or more
Gold500$Initial deposit amount: $800, cumulative trading volume of 4Lot or more
Platinum800$Initial deposit amount: $1300, cumulative trading volume of 4Lot or more


In the case of hybrid, you can receive both referral rewards and transaction volume rewards, but the referral rewards are a little lower compared to standard. However, as long as the person you introduced continues to do business with you, you can continue to receive affiliate commissions. Furthermore, the conditions for generating rewards are lower than standard.

Referral reward per personConditions necessary for remuneration
Silver50$Initial deposit amount: $80, cumulative trading volume of 1Lot or more
Gold100$Initial deposit amount: $160, cumulative trading volume of 1.5Lot or more
Platinum150$Initial deposit amount $240, cumulative trading volume of 2Lot or more

white label

White labeling is when companies and individuals borrow the system of an FX broker to provide FX trading services under their own brand. This is not really a program for affiliates.


IB stands for Introducing Broker. IB will earn a commission for each trade made by the introduced traders. At IB, the amount of compensation that the introducer can receive differs depending on the account type that the introduced person opens. It is in a ranking format, and as the number of referrals increases, the ranking will increase. First up is silver.

IB reward per 1Lot

Affiliate and IB comparison

So what is the difference between affiliate and IB? Affiliate marketing is basically a system where you get paid for each referral. However, in the case of IB, the difference is that as long as you trade, you will continue to receive rewards. However, some affiliate programs are hybrid, so there are both referral rewards and transaction volume rewards.

Compensation systemRemuneration system
AffliateReferral rewardReceive a reward every time a referred person opens an account.
Hybrid has referral rewards and transaction volume rewards.
IBTrading volume rewardAs long as the referred person continues to do business with you, you will receive a reward.

Apply for both affiliate and IB

If you find it troublesome, you can just apply for both affiliate and IB. Market news is also actively disseminated through media and blogs, and you can access and receive information. It is a recommended broker for those who are starting to invest. You can also view the website through the mobile app, and there is a wealth of content on YouTube and other platforms.

Affiliate program application

You can apply for the affiliate program by clicking the button below. Customers can earn rewards by taking action now. If investors trade every month, the person in charge will make a profit.

Source :

Username: Set any username

First Name: Enter your name

Last Name: Enter your last name

Email Address: Enter your email address

Password: Set any password

Phone: Enter your phone number

Skype: Enter your Skype ID if you have one

Country: Select your country of residence

Company : Enter company name

Website: Enter the website you are running

The person in charge will send you the management screen information for the customer acquisition management site via email within a few business days of registration. After that, you can create advertising banners and links from the affiliate management screen.

IB program application

You can apply for the IB program on the page by clicking the button below. We also have support, so you can rest assured. We have campaigns in the industry, and by appealing to our profits, we can attract customers by using suitable tools such as MT4 and offering high leverage, which allows us to aim for a lot of profits. Even new customers can increase their funds and earn rewards, which can be turned into cash. We are a licensed broker, so we have a high level of reliability.

Source :

First Name: Enter your name

Last Name: Enter your last name

Email Address: Enter your email address

Password: Set any password

Phone: Enter your phone number

Base Currency: Select base currency

Profile: Select account type


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