XMTrading: What is FX credit? Difference from balance. How to use account balance.


This article explains how to use the MT fund balance when using an xmtrading account. For those who have just started FX, there may be times when you don’t understand the meaning of terms while trading. When you first started trading with MT4/MT5, you may have wondered, “What is credit?” or “What is the difference between balance and credit?” When you first start using it, you may be confused because you don’t know what the notation means, so I’ve written an article about the difference.

What is balance?

Balance refers to the remaining balance. It is written as balance on the smartphone app and as balance on the computer, but this refers to the current balance of your trading account. XM balance includes the funds you have deposited into XM + profits earned from trading with XM + XM points + the total amount of bonuses. The balance does not change when you have a position, and is reflected after closing the position. The balance is recommended because you can use bonuses and other things as credits. You can deposit money using a credit card, etc., and move it to your account to add to it. When you withdraw money, the balance will decrease, and in some cases you will be out due to a stop loss.

What are credits?

Credits on smartphone apps and credits on computers are bonuses. XM has many bonuses. XM’s account opening bonus and XM’s deposit bonus are just that. The total amount, including these and XMP, is credit. Unlike balance, credits cannot be withdrawn. They are funds that cannot be withdrawn but can be used as trading margin. New credits added through campaigns and bonuses can be held and used after being exchanged as a new balance, so please check. Make profits by taking advantage of the maximum leverage and type.

Trade with credit and balance

In actual trading, you can trade with the full amount of credit and the full amount of balance as collateral. XM is very convenient because you can trade even if your balance is zero, as long as you have credit. If you want to try trading with XM, it is convenient to be able to trade even if you cannot deposit immediately.

If the balance of XM becomes negative, the negative amount will be compensated with credit if there is credit remaining. If there is no credit left, the zero cut system without additional call will be executed, and the balance will be automatically reset to zero at the next deposit or after a certain period of time.

Withdraw credit and balance

In XM, credit is a non-withdrawable fund used only for XM transactions, and the balance is a withdrawable fund. There is a point to be aware of when withdrawing the balance at XM, and if you withdraw from the balance, the credit will disappear according to the percentage of the withdrawal amount. Please be very careful when withdrawing money from your balance while you still have credit.

How XM balances and credits work

XM’s operating company balance and credit are prepared and used in the following way. You can view them in real time by using the MT tool from your My Page. Bonuses will be added from the screen when you select and complete the cash. These campaign services are applicable to standard and micro. Even if you incur losses on eligible orders such as CFDs and currency pairs, you can continue trading as long as you have credit. You can check it at your desk anytime, right now.

Transactions use balance first

In XM trading, if you have both a balance and credit, the balance will be used first. Even if you deposit money into XM and receive a deposit bonus, the deposit will be consumed as long as you have a balance, and the bonus will be used after the balance runs out. Each bonus has a deadline, so apply for it while you can. Basically, you can receive it from the home page, and it will be added without any upper limit and you can view it.

Can only be traded on credit

At XM, you can trade using only credits, even if your balance is 0. In other words, even if you have no balance, you can trade as long as you have credit. The safest bet is to trade with credit until it runs out and then deposit after it reaches zero.

Credits decrease when you withdraw your balance

When you withdraw money from XM, some of your credits will be lost depending on the withdrawal ratio. Therefore, it is better not to withdraw funds easily while you have a large amount of credits remaining. There are very high restrictions, so members should understand the program and think carefully before making an official withdrawal.

If you transfer funds between accounts, the bonus will also increase or decrease.

This is a common question, but when transferring funds between multiple accounts at XM, the credit also changes according to the balance transfer ratio. Since credit is only for the balance, it increases or decreases as the balance changes. Log in and check the necessary information from overview to details.

When the account becomes dormant or frozen

At XM, if there is no activity such as trading or depositing for 90 days, it will become a dormant account. When the account becomes dormant and the balance reaches zero, the account becomes a frozen account and cannot be used. Regarding credit, it will be extinguished when the account becomes dormant.

The bonus once expired cannot be revived. If you do not trade with XM for a while, take measures such as withdrawing your balance.

You can trade on credit without making a deposit

When you open an account with XM, you will receive a bonus. You can actually trade using credits, so you can trade for free. This is the recommended way to experience XM trading. If the transaction goes well, it will be credited to the “balance” as a profit, so let’s use it as a fund for the transaction.


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