[HFM(former HotForex)]: Reviews, reputations, and experiences of Japanese users


Users from all over the world are registered and trading on HFM. However, I know that there are many Japanese users among them. If you are considering using HFM in the future, I hope you can refer to word of mouth.

HFM company profile

HFM is a Forex company with many registered users in the world. The company’s license acquisition information and company information are introduced in the following articles. I hope you can refer to it.

Forex Peace Army Rating

ForexPeaceArmy is a very famous site that posts reviews of Forex companies around the world. The number of reviews exceeds 500, and most users give it a high rating. HFM has a fairly high percentage of positive reviews.

Forex Peace Army

ForexPeaceArmy Reviews

ForexPeaceArmy’s reviews are not all correct. It is only a guideline for evaluation. Please note that not all reviews are correct, as some users write out of revenge for losing in the trade. Bad reviews are 100% posted on word-of-mouth bulletin boards, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.

Japanese User Reviews

What kind of evaluation do Japanese users have? Here, we will introduce both patterns of high evaluation and low evaluation.

Fast withdrawal speed

When it comes to withdrawals at most Forex companies, there are cases where the response is slow or the withdrawal is refused in the first place. However, HFM is known for its extremely fast withdrawal speeds. Many users are satisfied with this point.

wide spread

One of the disadvantages of HFM is that the spread is very wide. This is also due to the fact that the bonuses and promotions are very substantial. From HFM, we would like to actively give bonuses, etc., and increase profits by having them trade more and more.

Bonus is cushioned

HFM has a very rich bonus system and plenty of bonuses. Furthermore, since it has a cushion function, you can trade with just the bonus.

Both buildings are regulated

In HFM, both houses are regulated. HFM is a Forex company with relatively many prohibited items, so you need to be careful about restrictions.

low commitment?

Some users who are actually trading are dissatisfied with the execution power. It may not be suitable for trading like scalping.

Both MT4 and MT5 can be used

It is now commonplace for modern traders to use MT4 or MT5. HFM is a highly recommended company because it supports both.

Adoption of zero cut

HFM employs a zero-cut system. Zero cut means no risk of having debt. If the account becomes negative, the company will compensate.

Recommendation to open an account

You can open an account with HFM for free. In addition, there are quite a lot of campaigns such as deposit bonuses, so it is a very recommended company. We recommend opening an account by referring to the following articles.


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