XM Trading:MT4/MT5 alert function


The alert function of MT4/MT5 is a function that sends notifications by e-mail etc. when the set price is reached. I think people who trade on XM use either MT4/MT5, but they don’t always have time 24 hours a day. By using alerts when you are out or doing other work, you can respond immediately even if there is a sudden market fluctuation, so it is a function that busy people should definitely use.

Advantages of the alert function

If you use the alert function, you don’t have to stick to the chart 24 hours a day. This is because they will let you know when the specified rate or specified time comes. When I’m commuting or working, I can’t just think about FX. The alert (alarm) function keeps an eye on the chart, so you can quickly proceed with trading when you receive a notification.

MT alert function setting method

Setting up alerts is very easy.

Click “Alarm Settings” in the terminal window

You can change the details on the “Alarm Settings” tab in the terminal window at the bottom of the screen. If the terminal window is not displayed, click View menu → Terminal.

create alarm

Right-click on the “Alarm Settings” tab and click “Create”. In this place, a list of alerts (alarms) that have been set in the future will be displayed, and you can also “Modify”, “Delete”, and “Enable/Disable”.

Enter alarm settings

The details screen of “Alarm setting” is displayed. Check “Enable” and enter the setting items. You can check the warning sound by clicking “Test” after setting. If there is no problem, click “OK” to complete the alert (alarm) settings.

Action specification

Set the contents of the alert.

Sound: Sound the alarm sound

File: run a file

Mail: Send an email Notification:

Push communication to smartphone app

date of expiry

Specify an expiration date for alert settings

currency pair

Specifying a currency pair


Specify the conditions under which alerts are triggered

Bid < : Alert when Bid is less than 〇〇 Bid > : Alert when Bid exceeds 〇〇

Ask < : Alert when Ask is less than 〇〇 Ask > : Alert when Ask is greater than 〇〇

Time = :Alert when time 〇〇


Specify the price at which the alert will be triggered


Set parameters for each action. In “Source”, files and information can be set for each action of “Action specification”.

Interval setting

Specify alert interval

Maximum number of iterations

Specify the number of times the alert is triggered

Push notifications from MT4/MT5 apps

Push notification is to notify MT4 or MT5 on your smartphone when the rate specified by MT4/MT5 is reached. There are three steps to receive push notifications from the smartphone app.

Enable push notifications for smartphone app

First, enable push notifications for your MT4/MT5 app. Go to “Settings” → “Notifications” → “MetaTrader4/MetaTrader5” and the notification setting screen will be displayed, so please turn on the notifications.

Get MetaQuotes ID with smartphone app

After enabling push notifications, open the MT4/MT5 app. In order to receive push notifications on your smartphone, you must obtain a “MetaQuotes ID”.

For iPhone, go to “Settings” ⇨ “Chat and Messages” and make a note or copy the “MetaQuotes ID” displayed at the bottom of the screen.

For Android, go to “Menu icon” ⇨ “Message” and write down or copy the “MetaQuotes ID” displayed on the screen.

Enable notifications on MT4/MT5

Finally, we will set it using MT4 / MT5 on the personal computer. Select “Tools” → “Options” from the menu bar. In the notification function tab, check “Enable push notification function” and “Notify trade processing”. Enter the MetaQuotes ID you obtained earlier in “MetaQuotes ID” below and click “Test”. If there is no problem with the push notification settings, a test push notification will be displayed on the lock screen or home screen of your smartphone.


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